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Safety reporting forms for clinical research projects

This set of comprehensive forms for safety reporting is tailored to different types of clinical research projects. Using these forms, everyone involved in the safety management of a clinical research project can easily write high-quality reports on serious adverse events. The set also includes forms covering the annual safety reporting.

High-quality safety reporting from start to finish

What it is:

This set of comprehensive safety reporting forms addresses the handling of serious adverse events (SAE) and the preparation of the annual safety report (ASR). It includes:

  • Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs)
  • Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Other Clinical Trials
  • Serious Adverse Event or Device Deficiency Report Form for Investigational Medical Devices (IMDs)
  • Serious Adverse Event or Device Deficiency Report Form for Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDs)
  • Serious events (SE) form for research projects not involving clinical trials (HRO)
  • Annual Safety Report Template (Version 2.1 in collaboration with swissethics)
What it can do:

These new forms guide you through all aspects of safety reporting. They help you collect, assess and report appropriately any serious adverse event (SAE) that occurs during your clinical research project and guide you in the preparation and submission of the annual safety report (ASR). The forms are tailored to each type of clinical research. In addition, they provide instructions on what exactly needs to be completed as well as information on the relevant Swiss legal basis.

Who should use it:

These forms can be used by any investigator performing clinical research in Switzerland, in particular sponsor-investigators.

​Who is behind this resource:

These templates were developed by the SCTO’s Safety Platform and first published in May 2021. The Annual Safety Report Template was created through a collaborative effort with swissethics.


The Safety Platform harmonised and refined its templates for investigator-initiated clinical trials (IICTs) that fall under the Swiss Ordinance on Clinical Trials (ClinO), the Swiss Ordinance on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices (ClinO-MD) and the Swiss Ordinance on Human Research with the Exception of Clinical Trials (HRO). Our templates use trial-specific terminology and provide sponsor-investigators and investigators with instructions and timelines.

For Clinical Trials on IMP, other clinical trials and HRO projects, our templates are applicable from case registration to notification to Ethics Committee(s). If you prefer, you can use the forms published on the swissethics’ website (i.e. Serious adverse events (SAE) with medicinal products and other clinical trials, Notification of serious events (SE)).

For Clinical Trials on MD and IVD, our templates are applicable from case registration to reporting to sponsors. For reporting safety events to authorities in these studies, please refer to the specific Swissmedic forms for clinical trials with MD and for performance studies with IVD (always check the Swissmedic website for the current version).

Before you download this document, we would appreciate you letting us know who you are.

Our templates and tools are free. As a publicly funded organisation, we strive to inform the public about the impact of our work and to continually improve our services. We therefore kindly ask you to leave us your email address so we can contact you with a short one-time survey. You may download the document without providing your personal data.


Preview Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Other Clinical Trials

Preview Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Other Clinical Trials

Preview Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Investigational Medicinal Products

Preview Serious Adverse Event Report Form for Investigational Medicinal Products

Preview Serious Adverse Event or Device Deficiency Report Form for Investigational Medical Devices (IMDs)

Preview Serious Adverse Event or Device Deficiency Report Form for Investigational Medical Devices (IMDs)

Preview Serious Event Report Form for HRO Research Project

Preview Serious Event Report Form for HRO Research Project


These templates are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Their content can be shared and adapted as long as you follow the terms of the license. To view a copy of this license, visit

Before you download this document, we would appreciate you letting us know who you are.

Our templates and tools are free. As a publicly funded organisation, we strive to inform the public about the impact of our work and to continually improve our services. We therefore kindly ask you to leave us your email address so we can contact you with a short one-time survey. You may download the document without providing your personal data.

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